Whirlwind Week - The Pixel Quilt Recap

Have you ever had one of those surreal moments when you swear that you must be dreaming? 

Yeah, me too...only my entire last week has been one ridiculously amazing adventure after another and I'm still not entirely sure that it was ALL real; so forgive me if I still have a puzzled look on my face. 

It all started on Sunday, April 21st when I posted the below picture and wrote this post.

I had hoped that I'd get a 100 or so views on my blog post, maybe a couple of Pins into Pinterest and maybe some quilting friends or blog followers would comment.  Yet, what I didn't expect was this...

This my friends is my blog stat counter for last week.  See that # up at the top...15015, that is 15015 views on 1 post...1 freakin' awesome post about my David Tennant "The Tenth" pixelated quilt. 

Oh, and it didn't stop there...Oh, No.

Then this happened and I nearly died...

Yep, that would be the amazingly talented Jenny Lawson, otherwise known as The Bloggess.  I've followed her blog for years now; but never imagined that I would be having not only a Twitter conversation with her; but that it would result in her following me...yes, little ol me.  AAAHHH!!!! 

If that wasn't enough, so many others have helped get the word out about my quilt that there is no way that I could list or keep track of everyone who has been truly amazing, so I'll just say...ALOT of people spread the word, shared on Facebook, Tweeted about it, wrote blog posts, pinned the hell out of my quilt, etc, etc, etc.  I've "met" some amazing people now on Twitter, Facebook, etc and discovered whole new worlds too.  All of which just added to the excitement and I can't wait to build upon those relationships.

So, if you are one of those people, I cannot THANK YOU enough for all that you have done.  It seriously meant the world to me that you joined in my geekiness for the entire week.

The only downfall to all of this is that now that things have quieted down, the rush of adreneline is gone and I've crashed hard. 

Social media is one serious drug.

If you'd like to read the other blog posts in this series, check out the links below: