PARALLEL Workshop - Teaching What You Know

A few Sundays ago, I taught a workshop on my PARALLEL quilt pattern at Janie Lou [a St. Louis fabric shop].  I was surprised to learn that my class not only sold out; but was oversold...Sweet!!

PARALLEL Quilt Pattern // Kristy Daum // St. Louis Folk Victorian

Teaching What You Know

When I have taught in the past, the subjects were technique based; things like Improv, Using Negative Space, etc. This PARALLEL class was the first time that I taught from something; which I had written. 

I prepped by making step-outs; which you can see up close below. These units/pieces help to illustrate the many steps involved without having to do the cutting/piecing during the workshop. This means that I can spend more time with the students rather than spending it behind a sewing machine.


Having been both a student and instructor, I know that people learn at different speeds and this day was no different.  Some students were able to make a whole slew of blocks, while others finished just a few; yet the numbers do not matter.

The key to a workshop is not what you accomplish in those 3 or 6 hours; but that you understand the technique/pattern being taught and learn a few tricks, hopefully walking away feeling your time was well-spent.

As the instructor, not only did I receive feedback throughout the class; but I picked up on a few things that I need to present or word differently.  Even though I'm the "Teacher", this is a learning process for me too.

One of my favorite parts of teaching or taking a workshop is seeing the fabric and color combinations that the students are using, and particularly for this they have chosen to interpret the pattern requirements. 

What’s Next

As I have been filling out Instructor Applications and sending my workshop offerings to a few interested parties recently; this topic was on my mind as of late and I wanted to be sure that I shared it here instead of exclusively on Instagram.  I do not know if any of the inquiries will turn into full-fledged opportunities; but it is always nice to be asked.

If you are interested in purchasing my PARALLEL pattern, you can find the PDF in my shop, or ask your favorite quilt shop if they carry it.

Finally, if you are interested in having me give a lecture, trunk show or workshop, please send me an email for offerings, rates and availability.