Windham Fabrics - Free Quilt Pattern (Flight Plan)

It sometimes happens when I am working with a collection that I get carried away and end up designing a handful of concepts.  Luckily for me, Windham Fabrics, doesn't mind and this time they chose two of my concepts.  The first was Heading South; which you saw the other day.  

Today's quilt is called Flight Plan [get it...Flying Geese...hehehe] and also uses the collection called Bold & Gold.  

Download Here:  Flight Plan // Designed by Kristy Daum // For Windham Fabrics

As always you can find this and other patterns by clicking the Buy My Patterns or Free Tutorials link at the top of my blog header.  And of course if you make a quilt using this pattern, please send me an email or tag me on social media.

- Kristy