By now you've heard of QuiltCon, the first inaugural Quilting Conference by, for, and about Modern Quilting.
The wonderful Modern Quilt Guild folks are hosting a Quilt Show in collaboration with the conference and all entries are due Today, November 30th at Midnight CST.
While making a quilt in a week and a half isn't necessarily how I like to operate, it is unfortunately how several of my quilts have been made in the past. The good news is that I only had 1 quilt to make for this submittal, the others were ones that had been completed long ago.
So, wanna know what I submitted?
The wonderful Modern Quilt Guild folks are hosting a Quilt Show in collaboration with the conference and all entries are due Today, November 30th at Midnight CST.
While making a quilt in a week and a half isn't necessarily how I like to operate, it is unfortunately how several of my quilts have been made in the past. The good news is that I only had 1 quilt to make for this submittal, the others were ones that had been completed long ago.
So, wanna know what I submitted?
Mountains Managed
This was completed Nov' 2012, blogged here.
Chocolate Covered Strawberries
This was completed in Feb' 2012, blogged here.
Confetti Amongst Friends
This was completed in July 2012, blogged here.
For those who submitted quilts to this event and know the photography rules, don't worry...these aren't the actual photos submitted :-)
There is lots of pretty stiff competition out there, so it would be an absolute honor to be included amongst the ranks...Fingers Crossed!!!
So, did you submit anything?