I'm a very artsy-crafty type of girl and I need a space where I can sew, paint, draw, whatever makes me happy. In this house, from the moment I saw this open room at the top of the 2nd floor, I knew that it would make an excellent studio space. Now obviously, I had the vision to see past the uneven floor tiles, broken closet doors and cable wiring that littered the floor.
While I know that I will need a lot of storage space, the small closets on either side of the window wouldn't cut it...so I tore them out as you can see in the photo below. This simple demo project opened up the room enormously. If you are curious, the room now measures approx. 11 x 15. Those closets ate up almost 30-40 sq ft of floor space.
While my studio is soooo far from being complete, I hate even using the word; it at least has the beginnings of a room one can relax in. As you can see from the photo below once I added some wood flooring, suitable lighting and a fan it now looks like a room...of course it will look even better once I trim out the window, finish plastering the walls where the closets stood, paint, etc, etc, etc.

It makes me happy to see some progress, no matter how small.